Thursday, August 25, 2016

How finance professional regulators like ICAI ICSI ICWAI are failing the public interest test

In a recent article, Prof Ajay Shah of NIFP advocated the separation of powers of professional regulators to ensure that 'poachers cannot be gamekeepers'. He cites the example of stock brokers regulation as a success model here.

Ever since the Medical Council of India(MCI) which was plagued by corruption was dissolved and a new body asked to be created with 4 verticals of UG education, PG education, Licensing and New College creation/Infra, there has been interest in figuring out models for others.

As regulators like CVC and CAG have put it below, professional regulation is not working enough: 

My view is that unless the disciplinary arm and academic arm is divorced from the membership body, we will have issues like lax disciplinary measures, pass rate depending on economic conditions(or so it appears to the outside world) and people joining the councils for reputation/business enhancement(eg coaching class owners who are clearly conflicted) rather than public service motto

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